Saturday, 27 October 2012

Rock Physics and Reservoir Characterization through Surface Measurements

In the Guest Lecture by Mr. N. K. Khatri on 31st August 2012 “Rock Physics and Reservoir Characterization through Surface Measurements” we had discussions on rock properties, log and rock fluids interpretation.

The Density, Gamma ray, Compressibility, NHPI and Resistivity logs from a well show the dependence of Neutron logs on the Hydrogen Index of a Rock as well its variation with Rocks and formation fluids.

The Vs and Vp curve generally shows a linear trend but anomalies occur due to the presence of Hydrocarbon gases. With the progress of the discussion it was concluded that Hydrocarbon bearing oil and Gas formations show anomalies but water bearing sands do not show any deviations from this linearity. Thus an overview of the final interpretation done by the geophysicist sitting on the surface was witnessed by the students.

Mudrock line after deselecting points from porous and tight gas sands. Vp/Vs is in colour bar axis. Deselected points are shown in grey colour on log curve for corresponding interval 

Relations for the density of the rock was shown to be dependent on the liquid saturation as well as their independent densities. The importance of changes in Poisson’s ratio versus the water saturation was graphically portrayed. The students were introduced to the Backward Gassmann equation and the Woods equations which were used to determine the bulk porosity of a rock using parameters like Bulk modulus of formation fluids, their saturation and the porosity. A glimpse of software used to determine the Rock parameters and Fluid parameters was provided where students could identify the required input and output parameters.

Effect of fluid compressibility and porosity on AVO response

The velocity of P-waves is found to be higher in wet sand as compared to the Gas sand due to its higher density. A modification of the Akki-Richards equation was analyzed where the focus revolved around two parameters namely, Reflection Coefficient (A) and Gradient (B). The methods for finding the values of these parameters was described along with the usefulness of it to determine the presence of Gas, Oil or brine was shown using Graphical Analysis.

The lecture ended with a Case study on the “High amplitude anomaly in Pliocene on seismic data are studied
Have a good day!!

Ankit Bansal

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Group Discussion Session on 14th August at GERMI- A Review

We convened for a Group Discussion Session on 14th August at the GERMI Conference Hall in PDPU. The GD was organised by Ankit Bansal and Tharun Kumar with the help of Mr Ramachandran K who was instrumental in getting the venue and inviting senior GERMI members. 

A total of nearly 30 students assembled for the GD at the allotted venue at the end of regular classes. Prof T Harinarayan, Director GERMI-RIIC, Dr R Gopichandran, Principal Research Scientist at GERMI RIIC, Mr Ramchandran K, Research Associate GERMI RIIC, Dr Omkar Jani, Principal Research Scientist, GERMI RIIC and Dr Bijaya Behera attended the session and gave us their valuable inputs. 

Before the commencement of the GD session, Prof Harinarayan and Dr Gopichandran gave us some guidelines and inputs regarding the handling of Group Discussions and commended the batch for taking steps to improve our communication and presentation skills. Dr Omkar, Dr Behera and Mr Ramachandran also shared some of their thoughts and encouraged us to have more such sessions in future.

Three topics for Group Discussion had already been circulated amongst the participants through this blog by the organisers.
The topics were
1. Petroleum Product Pricing in India
2. Coal Bed Methane Development in India
3. BP Oil Spill

The first group discussed on Petroleum Product Pricing in India. 

Key issues raised during the GD are as follows

1. Impact of deregulation of prices of petroleum products on common man
2. Deregulation of diesel
3. Subsidy provided by Government
4. Impact of subsidy on Government's revenue and profit margins of Upstream NOCs
5. Reduction of taxes if deregulation takes place
6. Impact of diesel prices on economy of households
7. Increase in exploration and production activity by Upstream NOCs.
8. Private players in oil product marketing

Although several important issues were raised, I feel that many other important issues could have been raised like negative impact of subsidies, LPG subsidies and finding solutions to ensure subsidies reach only those who really deserve it. The whole group as well as the faculty members present felt that we should have managed the time more efficiently and concluded the GD. Every judge gave their opinion on the performance of the students. The review was largely positive although suggestion were given on improvement of body language, eye contact, fluency and counter arguments. 

Toward the end of the first GD,  Vinay Babu  sir also came.

The second group discussed on Coal Bed Methane Development in India

Key issues raised during the GD were as follows

1. India, having one of the largest resources of coal and CBM
2. Government policies regarding CBM
3. Technology and R&D
4. 1997 GoI policy on CBM
5. Companies involved in CBM in India
6. Issue of carbon credits and use of CBM
7. Water pollution and other environmental concerns.

`At the end of the GD, the group concluded that there is a huge potential of CBM in India, the development of which would bridge the Supply Demand Gap and that more investment and foreign expertise is required for the development of CBM .

All the faculty members present were forthcoming with their views on the performance of the students and the improvements which should be made.

Vinay Babu sir felt that the students had done their homework with the topic and he felt that random non-technical topics must be given in a GD. He suggested that the GDs test the spontaneity and communication skills of the participants rather than their technical knowledge. According to him the members of the group needed to work on their communication skills, body language and eye contact.

Behera sir felt that homework before Gd brought out stability and ensured richness of content. He was also in favour of random topics as before interviews the candidate won't be aware of the topic. 
Behera sir felt that the group lacked cohesion even though the students were confident and tried to make their presence felt. He had suggestions on improvement of comfort levels and soft speaking skills.

Dr Omprakash Jani felt that the discussion wasn't going in a particular direction. He wanted the students to debate more and raise more questions.

Ramchandran sir felt that the group became divided into two and suggested that the students be fearless during their GDs and convey the same through positive body language.

At the end of the second GD, the panel felt that the third group must be given a random non technical topic. After some deliberation the topic suggested was Commercial Cinema vs Art Cinema.  

Key issue raised 
1. Money factor in movies
2. Impact of movies on society
3. Recall value of movies
4. Depiction of society

Although many issues were raised it was felt that there was no discussion on the definition of commercial movie and art movie.

The GD was probably the most lively and entertaining of all three GDs . 

Omprakash sir was of the opinion that the group swayed away and that more direction needs to be given to the discussion.

Vinay Babu sir felt that the topic was quite interesting. According to him art movies are being given commercial touch to enable them to recover their costs

Behera sir had some advice on the content and way of discussion. He felt that the group should have discussed the types of impact made by the two segments of movie. According to him commercial movies and art cinema leave an impact on different parts of the society in their own way. 

He felt that the group possessed good verbal skill and body language although he was critical of the content.  There was less intervention by group members during the GD and he felt that the spontaneity needed to be there in the discussion. 

Ramachandran sir felt that some of the group members were not ready to compromise on certain issues which was evident by their aggressive body language. He had suggestion regarding improvement of body language. 

Overall, the panel felt that all students must improve their general awareness in order to have better content for the GDs and more confidence.

The two hour session was quite productive and all the participants went home with a lot to ponder upon. Apart from skills in GD, knowledge levels also increased. Suggestions by the panel would be kept in mind while participating in GDs in future and while organising such events in future. Hat tip to Ankit Bansal and Tharun Kumar for organising the GD. We are thankful to Mr Ramachandran K for helping us in organising the whole event. We are grateful to Prof T Harinarayan, Dr Gopichandran, Dr Omprakash Jani, Mr Vinay Babu and Dr Bijay Behera for taking time out of their busy schedule and attending the session.

Hopefully we organise more such sessions in future

Anmol Garg
3rd Year SPT

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Let's convene for a GD..The finale at GERMI

With a view of the previous session and also taking in inputs from the esteemed batch, this GD is being held at GERMI on Tuesday (14/8/12) 4-6 PM.

Since GERMI too would be involved (Well, they are not just providing space, it's much more than that!!) the session would be kept highly professional with people from GERMI too being present along with the PDPU faculty. In depth formal discussions taking into account various aspects of a topic would be the expected by the Judging panel. 

  • Petroleum Products pricing mechanisms in India
  • CBM development in India.
  • British Petroleum(BP) oil spill.
Any one of the above topics shall be given on the spot.

Judging Criteria:
  • Content
  • Verbal Skills
  • Body language
Keep checking for more updates!!

Regards with special thanks to Vinay Babu,
Ankit Bansal 
Tharun Tirumani 

  • SSP Singh sir has agreed to allow the B2 students to leave their lab at 5:00 PM. 
  • Formals Compulsory.
  • Interested students can mail their name and roll no. by Friday night to "".
  • Feel free to contact the organizers for any query.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Let's convene for a Group Discussion..

After the amazing Industrial orientation experience sharing session it's time to move forward with the next session: "The GD rounds". Abiding to the huge demand for discussion on technical topics these GD's may end up making sense only for the Petroleum Folk.

This link below contains information about the Participating Groups and their topics:

The topics are:

  • Is natural gas the energy of the future?
  • Petroleum Products pricing policy in India, Justified?
  • Environmental impact of Hydraulic fracturing, Exaggeration or Reality?
  • Dominance of OPEC countries in oil & gas prices. Relevant in the present?
  • Development of CBM in India, viability?
  • BP oil spill. Is the lesson learnt?
  • Boom of shale gas. Is it a Game changer?
  • Oil industry: Taxes > Subsidies or Subsidies > Taxes, Truth?

This GD is on 8/8/12, Wednesday. Venue and Timing would be conveyed soon.

In case of any queries or any probable absentee, please contact me at the earliest.
Those not in the participation list will have their GD in the forth coming session.

Any one interested in being a part of the organizing team, can contact me.
Inputs for new topics are most welcomed.

Thank you,
Ankit Bansal

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Day 2 @ IADC conference.

Its  9.45 am 
Breakfast is over n Back to work now.

Lecture began with different well killing methods.
Principle of any killing method:- To keep bottom hole pressure constant.

Mainly 4 killing methods.
1.Driller's method-Easiest Method, Two cycle method, Less calculative, Mostly preferred By Engineers.
1st cycle-Removal of current mud along with kick flux.
2nd cycle-will circulate kill mud
2.wait & weight method-One cycle Method
3.Concurrent Method-Best Method, Generally not preferred due to large calculation
4.Volumetric Method-Gas is allowed to expel out slowly out  of the wellbore.
       It is time consuming may take few weeks to months depending upon formation.

 Note-In drillers method Surface pressure will be always more than wait & weight method.

Now a detailed look on  Drillers Method.
                                                  1st Cycle
The first circulation removes influx with original mud weight. The drill pipe pressure is held constant to maintain constant bottom hole pressure as shown in fig1.1 which is equal to (SIDPP+SCR){SCR-Slow circulating rate}. Drill pipe pressure will be held constant until influx is removed from annulus. If the wellbore influx is gas, it will expand when it comes close to surface therefore you will see an increase in pit volume and casing pressure.

drillers method1st cycle_fig1.1
                                                       2nd cycle
Second circulation kills well with kill mud. When the required kill mud weight is mixed, it is time to start the second circulation of driller method. We start with bringing pumps  to kill rate by holding casing rate constant. While circulating the kill mud, until casing pressure is held constant until mud reached bit.
After that we need to maintain drill pipe pressure constant, then continue circulating it till kill mud reaches surface. After shutting down pumping operation will check drill pipe and casing pressure if it is zero then kick is killed otherwise,  some influx is there to remove.

drillers method_2nd cycle fig 1.2

@ 1.30 pm
Its time for numerical.

Had 2 numericals which almost took 2 hours due to our front benchers(our industry people) :p

Note:- Kill Mud Density=(SIDPP/0.052*well tvd) + Current mud Density
              Final Circulating Pressure(FCP)=KMW/OMW*SCR

@3.30 pm
Finally its time for most exiting session of 2days workshop.
Instruments worth RS.30 Lakhs.
was really amazing to deal with.
Instruments were doing everything. A main laptop was acting as a well. and other three were to monitor and control conditions.
Using system kick was taken and instruments holders(our industry people)  needed to get it killed.
Below is some snaps of same.

This is the main computer or in our Laymen's language we can say a well!!

Blue machine was showing Surface pressure, SPM and Total Strokes.
by which we also can make movement of drill string using handle which can be seen in d screen.Right one is touch screen monitor by which v can take readings of SIDPP, SICP, SPM, Open or close BOP, operate choke & kill line.

Is used when kick is occurred to maintain pressure by closing or opening choke in this case handle.
Left Dial is for SIDPP and Right one is for SICP.

Finally Done with 2day's seminar was  really fruitful especially second session.

Deep Shah

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Suggestions to run blog smoothly.

Hi everyone
Here are my some sugestions.

1) It would be better if we clearly mention title on any new post. I would recommend to use different but unique font colors for different types of post. For example posts related to "petro-news" can be in white color fonts. Or we can have any other way to easily differentiate all types of posts.
2) Don't try to mess up or edit others' post because we all have access to each others' posts. Please keep your any kind of animosity or feuds out of the blog.
3) Please don't use bad language because other people outside of university may also visit the blog. If it is really necessary to express your feelings use method of newspapers. censor the words.
4) I would suggest that at the end of every post please mention your name. Please don't use nicknames.
5) Don't use blog for spreading any kind of updates because there will be very few frequent visitors. Use facebook for it so that nobody gets away with "I informed you all on the blog".
6) Please ask others before making any major changes in the blog settings.

These are merely my suggestions. You can put forward your views on it.
Harsh Patel  

Friday, 27 July 2012

A New Beginning

Hey everybody
hope you guys are doing great. As we discussed earlier, here is a blog to put upto your needs
Write up whatever you do
the smallest advancement you make
you think you got a topic better in class than others, post what you think about it.
Want to start a new research paper? Come and ask how many people think it'll work.
Talk about the blog to people and ask them to visit it. The more hits we get, the higher we climb on the google search list when anybody types in a keyword.
This can be a platform to permanently document anything on cloud as much as you want. Right from an equation in RE to a picture you took on a rig

If its information share it. Make knowledge of some use and hope there will be brighter suns to see tomorrow.
The Sign Painter