Monday, 6 August 2012

Let's convene for a Group Discussion..

After the amazing Industrial orientation experience sharing session it's time to move forward with the next session: "The GD rounds". Abiding to the huge demand for discussion on technical topics these GD's may end up making sense only for the Petroleum Folk.

This link below contains information about the Participating Groups and their topics:

The topics are:

  • Is natural gas the energy of the future?
  • Petroleum Products pricing policy in India, Justified?
  • Environmental impact of Hydraulic fracturing, Exaggeration or Reality?
  • Dominance of OPEC countries in oil & gas prices. Relevant in the present?
  • Development of CBM in India, viability?
  • BP oil spill. Is the lesson learnt?
  • Boom of shale gas. Is it a Game changer?
  • Oil industry: Taxes > Subsidies or Subsidies > Taxes, Truth?

This GD is on 8/8/12, Wednesday. Venue and Timing would be conveyed soon.

In case of any queries or any probable absentee, please contact me at the earliest.
Those not in the participation list will have their GD in the forth coming session.

Any one interested in being a part of the organizing team, can contact me.
Inputs for new topics are most welcomed.

Thank you,
Ankit Bansal


  1. are these the only groups, because some are missing.
    what abiut the rest?

  2. Many students have re-examination of DE on August 9. So it would be great if you delay the schedule by 1 week so that everyone can participate and deliver their best.

    1. Good input,Yash.. I understand everyone wants to give in their best..but believe me GD's are more about presence of mind and impromptu understandings, so students with a re can still come in for an experience and after all, more such GDs will be held in the future. This is surely not THE END.
